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HRM REVIEW Magazine:
Body Language and Attitude

Very few people understand the impact of body language on communication. Without opening your mouth, your attitude shows up. Therefore, it is important to understand the ramifications of body language. And it is imperative that you work from the inside out to really understand and make changes in yourself.


We recognize a smile from a stranger and feel good about it. We respond to it with a smile of our own, maybe shy maybe diffident! We recognize tears and feel sad for the person shedding them.

There are no words spoken, yet a feeling is conveyed. Across the world, a request for a lift is recognized through a thumb. While two fingers, in `V' shape were immortalized by Winston Churchill as a sign of victory during the tense period of World War II! These days most politicians use the gesture hoping it will become true!.I guess body language is far older than the spoken language. I am just guessing but one thing I am sure of and that is an average of 67% of all communication is conveyed through the body and the rest is through the spoken words.

It is an accepted fact that non-verbal communication, or Body language as we call, it is active in every face-to-face encounter. Through his gestures, the expression in his eyes, his face, the way he moves his body, arms and hands, the person's body reveals his true feelings; and his attitude towards life. Let's face it, we have, at some stage or the other, instantly disliked someone, whether the person has interacted with us or not. He may be a total stranger but his body language puts you off.


HRM Review Magazine, Body Language, Non-Verbal Communication, Soft Skills Training, Positive Attitude, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, NLP, Interpersonnel Skills, Presentation Skills, Communication Skills, Body Language Training, interpersonnel Communication.