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HRM REVIEW Magazine:
Engage Employees to Retain Them

Business environment is becoming increasingly competitive every day and organizations which are able to optimally leverage the capabilities of their employees will gain a definite edge over others. Employees may have hidden talents and potentials to make higher contributions that can surprise their leaders. However, all employees may not willingly put the extra effort to accrue more benefit to the organization. Only some employees tend to love their organization so much that they are willing to expend greater efforts beyond their call of duty, so that the organization will be benefited. Such emotional connection with the organization/profession is called "engagement" and such employees are termed as more engaged employees.


Do these quotes sound familiar? Are you wondering why people are always complaining, instead of getting excited about the new work and challenges at workplace? It is time you assess the energy levels of your employees and leaders who manage them. It is time to start initiatives to better engage them with the organization. Employee engagement is the new buzzword in new age organizations.

Research reveals that only between 14% and 30% of employees are actively engaged in their job at any point of time. This means that the organizations are unable to utilize the talent available to them optimally and hence end up losing talented people as people look for environments where they feel valued and could utilize their talents to achieve career fulfillment. Hence, the challenge today is not just retaining talented people, but fully engaging them, capturing their minds and hearts at each stage of their work lives.

Engaged employees work harder, are more loyal and more likely to put extra efforts for the success of the organization. According to various studies, the most important driver of `Employees Engagement' is believed to be the correlation between an employee's job and organizational strategy, as well as an understanding as to how important the job is to the success of an organization.


HRM Review Magazine, Business Environment, Organizational Strategy, Business Strategies, Organization Goals, Corporate Intranet Website, Communication Strategies, Employee Engagement Tools, Employee Engagement.