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HRM REVIEW Magazine:
HR Managers as Change Managers

Organizational change is generally called for because of external and internal factors, like competitive forces and consumer patterns (external) and need for reorganization (internal) in the light of changing business environment. To be successful in managing change, the HR team should pick up new perspectives that will encompass not only the conventional HR tasks but also active participation in business matters to the extent of gaining a degree of awareness of the business nuances. Such awareness will enable the HR team to make useful contribution to the adaptive strategies of the corporate towards the changing environment. And HR managers should also develop themselves into capable "change managers" as long as the economy is dynamic and evolving.


Progress is impossible without change, said the well-known Ireland born Fabian, advocate of social change, and the scintillating playwright, George Bernard Shaw. He also added, "Those who do not change their minds cannot change anything". These golden words, coming as they do from the mouth of an apostle of change, do strongly seem very much applicable to any organization which, in response to the dynamics of the business environment and the compulsion of economic forces around, embarks on a plan of action for organizational change.

Every organization or a corporate, in Lincoln's language, may be described as an entity "of the people by the people for the people", i.e., it is an institution of those who own it (shareholders), by those who run it (HR) and for those who support it (the customers). It is thus the workforce that propels the organization towards commercial prosperity. Hence, it is the same human capital that would also steer the organization to economic safety, whenever the inevitable waves of `change' happen to rock the very business keel of the organization.


HRM Review Magazine, Organizational Change, Business Environment, Corporate Strategies, HR policies, Organizational Behavior, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, CIPD, 0rganizational Goals, Human Resource Managemetn, HRM.