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HRM REVIEW Magazine:
Learning : Is it An Art? Or Science? Or Both?

The concept of learning has undergone a change. The key to success for any individual, irrespective of his background or profession, is learning. The factors influencing the learning process may have changed with the changing times, but what has remained constant is the fact that there is a synchronized approach between the internal and external environmental factors for the learning process to be a successful one.


Learning is always the key to success for every professional be it a manager, a teacher, an engineer, a doctor or a scientist. The facets of learning, however, keep on changing with changing times and that calls for understanding learning from different dimensions, viz., a science, an art or a combo of both. A management professional understands the significance of this aspect as the tools for learning always need to be adjusted time and again with the changing times, which may call for different approaches to address even similar situations, albeit in different contexts and timings. Sharad Saxena, learning Manager with a Mumbai-based mid-sized IT firm, opines, the importance of a manager being a learner has increased manifold, over the last few years, primarily because the business dynamics change very fast.

The companies notably from the knowledge sectors like Information Technology, Information Technology Enabled Services, Biotechnology, are the ones which are implementing noble learning practices as they deal with knowledge workers, knowledge customers, knowledge vendors and a whole lot of stakeholders who are inclined towards knowledge. This needs flexible mindset, which in turn necessities a blend of conventional and unconventional methods of learning. Classroom learning in a real-life situation is intertwined with on-job training and experiential learning, thereby culminating in increased knowledge and competitiveness.


HRM Review Magazine, Information Technology, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, FMCG, Corporate Clients, Management Skills, Learning Organizations, Personal Mastery, Knowledge Management, knowledge Sectors, Corporate Clients.