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HRM REVIEW Magazine:
Listening Skills

The article focuses on what is the best way of listening. It also comes out with secrets and strategies to listening for both students as well as professionals. At the end, the article concludes that listening is not an inborn trait but a skill that can be acquired by continuous practice and training.


Which is the correct stage for effective listening? It is very obvious that in the role playing of stage three, one person is identified as the speaker and the other person as the listener, as there is synchronization in effective conversation between the both. And the process is known as effective listening.Listening is subset of any communication. Every person should know the art of listening so as to make the communication process complete and meaningful. Listening is a conscious effort while hearing is an unconscious one. Listening as a skill is vital for the development of any personality.

The success rate of an individual depends on the efficiency and efficacy of listening skills one employs in his personal and professional life. Every human being spends considerable amount of time to listening everyday. But how far the listening is qualitative is a moot point. Few people listen for a long time and at the same time they think about something else in their mind. Can we call it as a listening skill? Of course, not.


HRM Review Magazine, Listening Skills, Eye Contact, Emotional Involvement, Personality Development, Listening Techniques, Listening Tools, Communication Barriers, Listening Process, Business Communication.