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HRM REVIEW Magazine:
Once an Employee, Always an Employee?

As the words of Alan Simpson echo in our ears, they make us realize that integrity like management too has become contextual. Gone is the era of bonded labor. It has become a thing of the past. With the advent of liberalization and entry of multinationals into India, since 1991, there seem to be opportunities galore for the talent pool available at the workplace. Employees continually look for greener pastures and switch to companies where they feel they are rewarded. In a dog-eat-dog world out there, what new methods do the companies adopt and what do they do to hire talent and, more importantly, retain it.If you have integrity, nothing else matters.


If you don't have integrity, nothing else matters. The intense competition has led many companies to develop competing recruitment and retention tools. Booming sectors such as aviation, media, telecom and financial services are grappling with the single biggest challenge of acquiring and retaining talent.

Poaching is one of the methods of talent acquisition yet to gain acceptability in the open. It has gained prominence as it helps reduce the employees' start-up time. In the war for talent, companies encroach upon the realms of their counterparts. As quality people are handful and have to be brought into their fold, competitors end up acquiring them on higher wages, thereby fuelling integrity issues. When one or two key employees are targeted, it is called poaching whereas the sweeping off the competitor's pool of employees is called raiding.


HRM Review Magazine, Talent Acquisition, Indian Contract Act, Employees Loyalty, Boston Consulting Group, BCG Matrix, Industry Norms, Indian Economy, Corporate Strategies, Greener Pastures, Poaching, Cooperation Agreements, Non Solicitation Agreement.