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HRM REVIEW Magazine:
Organizational Change and HR Role

Nowadays, organizations are greatly focusing on their change programs and have become increasingly demanding with regard to performance outcomes. However, change is stressful to employees and affects their work and quality of life, although beneficial to the organization. It is critically important for the leaders to assess the organizational climate prior to the change process. Successful organizations can benefit from meaningful research that can help identify barriers to change within the organization. There has been a rapid advancement in research addressing these issues in the private sector. New policies and procedures that reflect a proactive rather than a reactive management style are being devised as part of a planned-change effort.


Over the years, a great degree of inter-connectedness has developed among the countries due to globalization. From the growing role of India in globalization, a need to transform the organizations has become apparent. Today, oorganizational change has become a predominant feature of life. Organizational change is defined as an incremental improvement on existing organizational capabilities. Effective management of organizational change has become very important in a global marketplace.

In this ever-changing economy, organizations confront a world that is challenging in a number of ways. The companies face external uncertainties with regard to competition, acceptance of new technologies, changing customer preferences, community standards, and legislation. They also face internal problems between employee and employee, regarding employee turnover and power struggles due to jockeying for power.

With a number of unique change programs and restructures affecting business, companies need to adapt to the upcoming business opportunities and redesign their organizational model. Today's relentless pace of reorganizing demands a structured approach to identifying the need for change and building the skills and capabilities needed for designing more fluid forms of organization structures. Despite adverse market conditions, various organizations have transformed their approach to reorganizing. Organizations are rightly implementing change programs and restructures, to seek cultural change and engagement from their staff. The increasing activity of company restructures in the market has resulted in a very strong uptake in the number of contract project and change management roles.


HRM Review Magazine, organizational change, globalization, Human Resource Managemet, Organisational Strategy, Corporate Cultures, Organizational Mission, Project Management, Knowledge Management, Strategic Management, Performance Appraisal Systems, Management Style.