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HRM REVIEW Magazine:
Philosophy of Motivation : A Strategy to Retain Manpower

Like fuel is needed to run a vehicle, motivation is needed to drive action. Motivation to act and/or perform comes on account of some trigger such as cause-objective, curiosity, faith, loyalty, etc. The motivation drivers vary from person to person, from time to time and from situation to situation. While it needs to be admitted that in the case of large organizations involving thousands of people, some degree of uniformity is essential for disciplined policy approach and manageability, it needs to be remembered that a personal touch will go a long way in deeprooting sustainable motivation drivers.


The message given above is to be digested and internalized by the policy-makers of any organization without going into any intricate theories of man management. If they do so, their ability to retain people will be increased immensely.If money (Gold) alone could bring elements of Love, Joy, Satisfaction, etc., King Midas would not have asked the Sage to take back the boon of "Midas Touch".

Let us first understand what is the relationship between an organization and an employee? What are the traits of an ideal employee? Can animate beings create a bond with an inanimate entity? The family background (janma sanskar), upbringing (pitru sanskar), value system of the society around a person (jati sanskar) and his congenital or intrinsic worth (Atma Sanskar) will finally shape the response system of an individual in a variety of situations. The response system of an individual will be developed upon his value system hierarchy money versus other imponderables on which a price tag can not be put. Whether he likes freedom of speech and expression more than money, whether he cares more for his family or his career, etc., will determine his response to motivational strategies adopted by the policy-makers.


HRM Review Magazine, Philosophy of Motivation, Motivation Drivers, Mortal Realities, Hindu philosophy, Policy-Makers, Behavior Patterns, Societal Environment, Professional Endeavors, Organizational Culture.