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HRM REVIEW Magazine:
The Strength of HR as a Vehicle for Change

In the present scenario of tough business competition, there is always a need felt for star performers and outstanding personnel, who have the vision to fetch the best results for organization. In this rivalry-filled corporate environment, it will be quite appropriate to acknowledge that only those who believe in achieving the maximum potential with interest and gusto have a winning edge. This article throws light on human resource as an asset and an integral part of a successful organization.


Human Resource (HR) may be defined as the development of the people by providing the right environment where each individual may grow to his fullest potential. HR is viewed as a sum total of knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents and aptitudes of an organization's workforce as well as values, attitudes and benefits of individual involved. HR's emerging strategic potential relies on the increasing pivotal role of intangible assets and intellectual capital in today's economy. Sustained better business performance requires a firm to continually sharpen its competitive edge.

Human Resource Management (HRM) must understand the firm's strategy of developing and sustaining an advantage in the market place. Additionally, the implications of a strategy that might impede the organizational goal in the future must be taken care of. In short, a "bottom-up" perspective must be adopted rather than a "top-down" one, meaning thereby an employee at the bottom of the organizational ladder must also be taken into account while formulating a future strategy.


HRM Review Magazine, Human Resources, HR, Corporate Environment, Human Resource Management, HRM, Organizational Goals, Human Resource Development, HRD, Business Strategy, HR Policies, Talent Acquisition, Performance Appraisal System.