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HRM REVIEW Magazine:
Women in Leadership : A Discussion

Leadership skill traditionally had a masculine flavor. It was strongly contended that leadership qualities were solely in the male domain. This was further supported by the belief that women themselves were averse to leading an organization. But this proved to be more a myth than a reality. Globalization and the subsequent age of cut-throat competition threw wide open the gateway to corporate leadership positions for women. Research studies and data suggest that women also rose to the occasion and proved their capabilities as business leaders. This article is a conservative attempt to capture a glimpse of the current status of women leaders, their leadership strategies and the yield of such innovation in organizational matrix.


With the advent of globalization, there has been a wave of change in organizational dynamics all over the globe. One noteworthy development during this transition phase has been the evolution of a new generation of corporate and business leaders who belong to the fairer sex. Management is no longer solely a male bastion and women are gradually taking charge of responsible corporate positions.

In the environment of such developments, it is imperative to delve deep into a discussion that evaluates the historical background of emergence of women in leadership, current status and representation of women in leadership positions, the factors that contribute to the success of women managers, their leadership style and strategies. In the era of globalization, competition has become the buzz word. The corporates are running a mad race to gain competitive edge while the "weaker" sex is making its "stronger" presence felt in the leadership game.


HRM Review Magazine, Women in Leadership, Leadership Skills, Corporate Leadership, Leadership Styles, Leadership Strategies, Employment Opportunities Commission, EEOC, Matrix Organisation, Decision Making Process, Globalization, Liberalization, Women on Leadership Programs.