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Advertising Express Magazine:
Brands: Much More Than Logos and Symbols

The definition of a `brand' is often misunderstood. There is a common belief that a brand consists of a logo, design or some letterhead. It needs to be understood that brands involve something beyond these. A brand is a complex entity in the minds of the customers. It is the sum total of their experiences and perceptions, some of which a company can influence, and some that it cannot. A successful brand is one that elicits a consistent positive emotion when the consumer comes into contact with it anytime.


Whenever we hum a television commercial jingle, decide to test a new flavor of toothpaste or pay more than average for a cup of coffee, we as consumers are revealing a affiliation with a product or a company. Today's savvy companies spend a great amount of time and money to develop this affiliation. This relationship, calculated in emotional investment is forged by a company or product's strategic identity or what's commonly referred to as `Brand'.

A brand is an assemblage of images and ideas representing an economic producer. More particularly, it refers to the suggestive verbal attributes and concrete signs such as a name, logo, slogan or design scheme that expresses the spirit of a company, product or service. Brand appreciation and other reactions are created by the accretion of experiences with the exact product or service, both honestly relating to its use, and through the influence of advertising, design, and media commentary. A brand is an illustrative personification of all the information connected to a business, product or service. A brand serves to build links and prospect among products made by a manufacturer. It often includes an unequivocal logo, fonts, color schemes, symbols and sound which may be developed to represent implicit values, ideas and even individuality. The key intention of designing a brand is to craft a connection of trust.


Advertising Express Magazine, Media Commentary, Product or Service, Kentucky Fried Chicken, KFC, Work Environment, Products/Services, Lakme Cosmetic Products, Brand Personality, Corporate Culture, Economically Feasible, Enhanced Productivity .