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Advertising Express Magazine:
Corporate Advertising: A Tool for Building Brand Equity and Credibility

Business groups need to build a positive image in the eyes of their stakeholders for their continued survival. Corporate advertising is one such promotional strategy that provides the companies advantages like increased awareness, overall favorable consumer impressions and association of the company with positive attributes like high-quality products, competent management and honesty. The article highlights the importance of corporate advertising in today's business scenario.


Rather than promoting specific products and services, corporate ads emphasize on the reputation of the corporation as a whole by branding a company. It is a paid use of media that is more public relations driven rather than for sales promotion. With the basic objectives of building the company's corporate image, increasing the awareness and reputation of the company among the general public, corporate advertisements are promotional messages that build a company's goodwill. These ads advocate a philosophy and an idea instead of merely promoting a product. With a focus towards generating a sense of appeal and confidence among the company's consumers and vendors they are responsible for the overall corporate branding of the organization.

Corporate ads are gaining popularity due to the intense competition in the markets and a desire among the companies to make an identity by promoting activities that are unique visual messages as well as oral. Corporate building activities need to be done on a continuous basis by incorporating the company's functions, objectives, policies, ideas and standards into the campaign. Through these campaigns, the company needs to build a favorable opinion about the management and emphasize the social contributions that it is making.


Advertising Express Magazine, Corporate Advertising, Brand Equity and Credibility, Products and Services, Corporate Advertisements, Corporate Building Activities, Government Regulations, Financial Budgets, Hindustan Lever Limited, IFFCO TOKIO General Life Insurance, Telecommunication Technology, Corporate Advertising Media.