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Advertising Express Magazine:
Changing Promotion Paradigm

Promotion is the preeminent variable that advances the dialogue between a company and its target segment. Every promotional strategy is always a challenging exercise. Also today's marketplace throws a host of challenges that a marketer cannot afford to ignore. This means that companies have to adopt different and untested promotional strategies in order to increase the odds of reaching the target segment. This article examines the changing landscape of the promotional activities of the companies.


With the introduction and application of employee-customer-profit chain concept in the business model, no longer are the advertising appeals sufficient to attract the consumers. Today, an organization's market shares and sales volumes are dependent on issue management, image advertising, media plans, out- of-the-box creative designs, direct marketing, network marketing, cause-related/issue advertising, public relations, CSR, social networking sites and other philanthropic activities. Also, since clients are becoming more demanding, agencies are expected to act with more accountability. Due to this accountability factor, the communication of a brand by these agencies and/or organizations has undergone a paradigm shift.

To keep pace with the changing communication paradigm and innovations in communication technologies; advertising and media agencies have to be more innovative and original in their presentation. This `inventive and original' presentation has to be incorporated from the very first stage of idea conceptualization to its presentation and reception by the target audience, so as to offer profits to the advertisers in the long run. To a great extent, corporates are realizing this. Whether its Vodafone that bought low-cost handsets and positioned them as `magic box' to attract new customers, and tied with Shaadi.com to check matrimonial content on mobile or Big Bazaar which has recently added fashion portfolio to its product line and offers Mahabachat Sale on every republic day or Pizzahut which is planning to introduce Rs. 75 pizza range for school children and college going people, all of them are treading on the same line.


Advertising Express Magazine, Promotion Paradigm, Promotional Strategy, Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Networking, Accountability Factor, Communication Paradigm, Communication Technologies, Telecom Sector, Service Sector, Philanthropic Activities, Bluetooth Marketing, Global Cosmetic Manufacturer, Celebrity Management, Corporate Philanthropy.