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Global CEO Magazine:
Can Yahoo!'s New CEO Reinvigorate the Company?

Yahoo! Inc. (Yahoo!) is one of the leading global Internet brands headquartered in Sunnyvale, California. David Filo and Jerry Yang (Yang) founded the company in the year 1994. In its early stage, Yahoo! attracted a large number of visitors and acquired many companies. However, with increasing competition from Google, the company faced tough times. Terry Semel, the CEO of Yahoo! struggled to streamline the company's operations and boost revenue and profitability. He resigned his job mainly due to the pressure from shareholders, who were dissatisfied with his performance. Jerry Yang took charge as the new CEO on June 18, 2007 and hoped to revive the company. During his tenure, Yang rejected Microsoft's bid for Yahoo! and also failed to accomplish the advertising deal with Google. He received many criticisms for the rejection of the Microsoft deal and his failure to give proper leadership to the company. Yang resigned his position as CEO and preferred to be in Yahoo's Board by concentrating on the company's development strategy and technology advances. On January 13, 2009, the company appointed Carol Bartz as the new CEO of Yahoo! The case study helps to analyze the challenges confronted by the company and if this leadership transition would help Yahoo! to compete more effectively with the Web-search giant Google. It also helps to analyze the concept of reinvigorating a company through leadership transition.


Headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, Yahoo! Inc. (Ya hoo!) is one of the leading global Internet brands with its network in more than 20 markets and regions all over the world. The company's services include search engine, Yahoo! Directory, Yahoo! Mail, news, and social media websites and services. On November 17, 2008, Yahoo!'s founder and Chief Executive Officer Jerry Yang announced that he would step down from his position after the company selected the new CEO. The move came after criticism received by Yang for his inefficiencies to lead the company, rejection of the Microsoft deal, the failure to achieve the search advertising partnership with Google and lay-offs of 15,000 employees. On January 13, 2009, Carol Bartz was appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of Yahoo! to lead the company and to reinvigorate it. Investors and analysts were skeptical if the leadership transition would help Yahoo! implement new strategies for growth.

David Filo (David) and Jerry Yang, Ph.Ds in Electrical Engineering from the Stanford University, are the founders of Yahoo!. In the year 1994, they both launched a new website called `Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web (WWW)'. The website was renamed Yahoo! and by the year end, Yahoo! had received about one million visitors to its website. Yang and David realized that their website had massive business potential and incorporated Yahoo! as a company on March 2, 1995. After its incorporation, Sequoia Capital, the most respected and successful investments firm, agreed to fund Yahoo! with $2 mn. After realizing that their new company had the high potential to grow quickly, Yang and David formed a management team by hiring Tim Koogle, a veteran of Motorola, as chief executive officer and Jeffrey Mallett, founder of Novell's WordPerfect consumer division, as chief operating officer.


Global CEO Magazine, Yahoo! Inc., Global Internet Brands, World Wide Web, Initial Public Offering, IPO, Direct Marketing Company, Broadband Services, Yahoo! Mail Plus Accounts, Internet Advertisement Sales System, Panama, Online Advertisements, Contextual Advertising, Internet Industry, Internet Software Markets, Core Business, Capital Markets.