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Global CEO Magazine:
Emergence of Conglomerates

This article examines the conditions under which business conglomerates emerged in different parts of the world. Favorable regulatory environments and concentration of capital were some of the major contributing factors. While the earlier conglomerates spread their business across a wide range of unrelated industries, sectoral conglomerates are emerging of late. Their operations revolve around a core sector, such as financial services or media.


In the situation in which an economy exhibits a high degree of imperfection in its institutional structure, conglomerates are typically the dominant players in a closed economy, because access to policy makers and to scarce information is concentrated in a few hands who corner the best deals.

Think of major businesses of recent decades in India and invariably individual companies such as Infosys come to mind. However, the same question asked a few decades ago would have evoked the names of diversified business groups such as Birlas, Tatas, Ambanis, Goenkas and Thapars. While firms such as Infosys blazed new trails in a single line of business, the groups dominating the business landscape earlier could not be pinned down to a single line of business. They were all conglomerates with diversified business portfolios spanning several sectors. This is not to say that of late only single product category firms have managed to succeed and conglomerates have not done well recently. It was just that diversified business groups enjoyed significant scale and span of business operations that enabled them to dominate the business landscape. Similarly, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, Mitsui, Daewoo, LG and Samsung are some of the major Asian conglomerates. Siemens and GE are examples of European and American conglomerates respectively.


Global CEO Magazine, Business Conglomerates, Financial Services, Business Portfolios, Business Environment, Capital Investment, Business Groups, Global Economic Powerhouse, Business Operations, American Conglomerates, Economic Policies, European Conglomerates, Business Entities.