The last few decades of economic development in
Asia-Pacific were marked by vibrant dynamics, as the region has witnessed extraordinary growth, as well as striking
inequality and severe crises. A recent example is the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997-98, which
occurred in a period of booming economy and deepening interaction between the region's
countries. While some nations could make considerable progress, others had far less participation
in the dynamic development process. As a matter of fact, the members of the main
regional organizations, like ASEAN and APEC, range from highly industrialized to developing
countries, and the integration concepts include `open regionalism' to discriminatory trade
policies. Until now, progress in convergence is driven more by market mechanisms than
by institutionalized cooperation.
From the empirical point of view, it remains an open task to examine the
ambiguous character of the economy of Asia-Pacific, even after some studies, mainly on shock
identification and income convergence (Bayoumi and Eichengreen, 1994; Lee et al., 2004; and Weber, 2007), have shed light on this topic. The special regional scenery with its varying
economic conditions and political historical backgrounds raises several questions: Does Asia-Pacific
justify using the notion of one economic region? In detail, do the different national economies
share common structural properties, and do the mutual interlinkages boost transmission
effects between them? Given incomparable stages of industrialization, is there any evidence for
the presence of several highly integrated regional
subgroups? And furthermore, is it possible to extract a leading role played by any one nation, or at least to determine a certain direction
of the overall adjustment pattern? |