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MBA Review Magazine:
Decision Making Think Quants, Think Logical

Quantitative approach is becoming more and more important in decision making, which is the essential job of any manager. This article is an attempt to demystify the quantitative subject for many who do not feel at home with maths or quants.


Two sets of different qualities are required for any manager. The first set consists of analytical ability, problem-solving skill, logical thinking and rational decision-making ability. The other set is being sensitive to people and their needs, ability to empathize, understand, communicate, influence, motivate and lead. The first category can be collectively called as logical thinking ability and it is common to intellectuals, scientists, philosophers, mathematicians, scholars, etc. The latter can be grouped as social skills, common with social figures, performers, etc. One has to be good at both these to be an effective leader or a manager. It calls for a combination of head and heart, in short. Those who are not quite at home with quants may lack the former ability. Thinking in terms of quants is the new way of management. This is because quants is objective, free of guesswork, subjective biases and the inherent inaccuracy of decisions based on qualitative aspects alone. Hence the stress for more and more quantification and quantity-based decisions, using computer. "What gets measured gets done" is the approach. Hence, basic quantitative skills have become a must for all, irrespective of the field of management.

But unfortunately this puts management students and practitioners, who are allergic to or at least afraid of maths in difficulty. It is a vicious circle. Since one is afraid of maths/quantitative techniques, one tries to avoid them. Since they do not even attempt to think quantitatively, their quantitative abilities further dwindle. Maths makes a person think logically. Conversely, while trying to think logically, one's mathematical ability undergoes improvement. It is an established fact that algebra, particularly Boolean algebra improves one's logical thinking ability. Hence all aspirants/practicing managers have to develop a liking or at least reduce their fear of quants. Maths is the most logical and the only perfect subject. So even those who are averse to it, to start with may `pretend' to like it and keep aside their unfounded fears. Soon they will start appreciating it and can easily use it as a very effective and handy tool for analysis, decision making and logical reasoning. This is an attempt to take away the fear of quants from the minds of aspiring and practicing managers. Those who are interested in quants will find it even more interesting.


MBA Review Magazine, Quantitative Approach, Rational Decision-making, Logical Thinking, Social Skills, Quantitative Techniques, Logical Reasoning, Decision Making Process, Problem-solving Skills, Maths, Boolean Algebra.