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MBA Review Magazine:
Management Students Capability Development

The aim of management education should be to nurture the inherent talent of the student, leading to the emergence of a fully integrated individual before becoming a manager. Management students need to have not only subject knowledge but also knowledge of the inner self. The business schools should focus on this aspect.


Management is essentially getting things done through people; and for this, effectiveness is a must. Students often confuse effectiveness with efficiency. They strive to become more efficient by putting in a lot of hard work in their studies. However unlike traditional postgraduate curriculae at universities, management education is a professional program, where academic enhancement is not enough as application of knowledge in the industry follows immediately after campus placement. It is for this reason that for a management student improving effectiveness should be as important as gaining business knowledge through the course curriculum.

But improvement in effectiveness doesn't always happen as students forget to develop managerial qualities. Most of the management students assume management education to be a continuation of where they left off at graduation and put all their energies in imbibing theoretical knowledge without paying the required attention for developing their inner qualities. For example: 1st year MBA students in most of the management institutes have to study Organizational Behavior under Human Resource Management. In this course, lessons such as motivation, leadership, personality, attitude development, and self-esteem, are just studied to be answered in the examination, without making any attempt to apply the knowledge for self-learning and self-development.

Unfortunately, management institutes fail to impress upon the students the urgency for applying such knowledge for a paradigm shift in their personality in order to direct them towards corporate requirements. As a result, quality improvement during the curriculum does not take place and students often underestimate themselves at the end of the program, when they are asked to analyze their skills, accomplishments, knowledge, and goals. Students generally say things like: `I don't have such skills, I am afraid of public speaking'. The lack of self-confidence and self-discipline hit students hard when some of them may have to quit their jobs within a short period after joining, unable to withstand the pressure in a hardcore organization.


MBA Review Magazine, Management Students, Management Education, Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Cumulative Grade Point Average, CGPA, Management Techniques, Managerial Qualities, Indian Military Academy, IMA, Organizational Structures, Collaborative Learning Environment.