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MBA Review Magazine:
Professionalism and Managerial Ethics

No organization can ever flourish without a strong organizational culture. Work ethics, corporate values, code of conduct and loyalty to the organization must be strongly embedded in the minds of all employees for them to contribute their best to the organizations.


Amanagement position is one of great responsibility where the manager's goal is tosuccessfully implement organizational policy. Although certain skills are necessary to gain such positions, professionals should have competencies in the following three areas:

Analytical competence (ability to identify, analyze and solve problems).

Interpersonal competence (ability to influence, supervise, lead, manipulate and control people).

Emotional competence (the capacity to be stimulated by emotional and interpersonal crises and the capacity to bear high-levels of responsibility).

The work environment should be safe, secure and motivating. Any kind of insecurity in the minds of employees will have a destructive impact on the entire organizational system. A competitive environment should be created within the organization in order to motivate the employees to excel in their respective fields.

Professionalism is about individual modes of behavior that command respect and build trust. It is about excellence in service as measured by recognized standards. It is about delivering services or working to standards that meet the needs and expectations of the clients. Such behaviors are indeed a necessary part of belonging to a profession but almost any trade could be described as professional in these terms.


MBA Review Magazine, Managerial Ethics, Organizational Culture, Organizational Policy, Interpersonal Competence, Emotional Competence, Professional Ethics, Social Responsibility, Ethical Decisions, Logical Skills, Organizational Policy, Professional Management, Socio-cultural Deficiencies.