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MBA Review Magazine:
Entrepreneur Growth Driver of Social and Economic Change

The business entrepreneur, the archetypal enterprising person, has become the focus of attention in many nations as a growth engine for bringing social and economic prosperity. This article examines what exactly is the meaning of the term `Entrepreneurs' and their role in shaping the economic growth of a country, amidst much changes in an economy.


Thus, entrepreneurial leadership is defined as "Leadership that creates visionary scenarios, motivating and committing a cast of characters for the discovery and exploitation of strategic value creation."

It has been observed that nations are revisiting entrepreneurship, as their own core strategy for achieving economic growth. It has been considered as a part of economic development landscape. Electronic city in Bangalore and Silicon Valley in America, and similar such places elsewhere in the world are standing examples of entrepreneurship, contributing its share for the development of the regions in their respective nations.

Venture and angel capital groups are now widespread. Entrepreneur associations with their business development strategies are the common news items that occupy headlines in magazines. "Think tanks, venture breakfasts, mentoring programs are just a few of the various measures that are initiated to bring entrepreneurs together and fuel their success."

The imagination, vision, innovativeness and risk-taking ability are the factors that determine the success of the entrepreneurs, which in turn, reflects the performance of the enterprises in a nation.

Entrepreneur is the one who is willing to take and bear the risk of a new venture, when there is a significant chance for profit. Some others define entrepreneur's role as an innovator who markets his innovation. Entrepreneurs develop new goods or processes that the market makes a demand for and are not currently being supplied. Joseph Schumpeter, a renowned Economist, focused on how the entrepreneur's drive for innovation and improvement creates upheaval and change in economic growth. It is considered as a force of `creative destruction'. This is because, when he carries out a new one, it renders the old one obsolete. This is on account of the creation of new and better ways of doing a business that destroys the established ways of doing a business.


MBA Review Magazine, Business Entrepreneur, Economic Development, Entrepreneurial Leadership, Mentoring Programs, Gross Domestic Products, GDP, Decision Making Process, Indian Entrepreneurs, Indian Economy, Incubator Programs, Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Global Financial Crisis, Entrepreneurship Development, GDP Growth.