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MBA Review Magazine:
Unleash the Untapped Potential Within

The author can be reached at dominic@yahoo.com Self-discipline is one of the most important factors we need to develop in order to come out of our comfort zone.


Human beings possess tremendous potential energy and resourcefulness. An abundance of unique and varied gifts like intelligence, ideas, creative imagination, natural gifts and abilities lie deep inside us. We only need to unleash them to achieve the greatness we so rightfully deserve. We are capable of being rich, powerful, popular and famous. We are capable of discovering new ways of doing things, new methods of teaching and new methods of marketing. We possess deep within us the strength to rise whenever we fall and fight our way to success and victory. We are meant for progress, prosperity and happiness. We are engineered for success. The capacity and caliber to succeed is inherent in all of us without any exception.

Every person in his own unique way and is born to be successful. Born to make better choices and attract bigger and better opportunities. We are all very talented and wonderful with great energy and passion to dream, attempt and experiment. We all have far more potential for high achievement and success than we can now possibly imagine. Ralph Waldo Emerson, the famous American Essayist and Poet once said, "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." But despite being the owners and possessors of the immense treasure that lies within us, why so many of us get stuck in a rut? Why so many of us settle for less and keep doing the same things in the same way over and over again? The answer is that we get trapped in a safety Web that we weave around ourselves. The Web provides us with a kind of security and safety and we become very comfortable in this safety Web. But it is the number one enemy that prevents us from realizing our full potential and venturing into the unknown and the unfamiliar. The safety Web is generally known as the `Comfort Zone'.

Comfort zone is an environment or a situation with which one feels comfortable and secure. It is a protective cocoon. It is the routine, familiar and the most riskless route. It is the most protected territory that gives a warm feeling with a degree of security and contentment. By remaining in this comfort trap you reassure yourself that you are safe. You have no threat or fear to face. You simply do not feel the need to learn, explore and expand. You look at change not as an opportunity to learn and grow, but as a threat to your comfort and security. So you close your windows toward the unknown and unfamiliar. Taking up challenges and doing something new falls outside the limit of your comfort zone. You continue to remain where you are and perform the same old things in the same way. You forget to realize the power that you posses to become what you want to. Finally you settle down for something less than that of which you are really capable and talented. Helen Hayes, American actress, said, "Every human being on this earth is born with a tragedy, and it isn't original sin. He's born with the tragedy that he has to grow up. But a lot of people don't have the courage to do it." We cling tightly to our preconceived beliefsour lifelong security blanket.


MBA Review Magazine, Comfort Zone Environment, Self-discipline, Self-motivation, Inspirational Leaders, Positive Thinking, Initial Difficulties, Self-determination, Comfort Zones, Creativity, Slumbering Powers, Painful Process.