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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited
: R Harish

The Future Group and its flagship company - Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited - needs no introduction. The many retail formats of Pantaloon Retail such as Pantaloon, Big Bazaar, Food Bazaar, Central, etc., are household names in India, and most of us have been customers of at least one of these stores some time or the other. However, the amazing array of companies, retail formats and brands belonging to the Future Group is not well-understood. Given this situation, this article provides a structured summarization of the companies and businesses of the Future Group, followed by a more detailed exposition of the retail formats and brands operated by Pantaloon Retail and its subsidiaries.


Pantaloon Retail (India) Ltd., belongs to the Future Group, founded by Kishore Biyani, who has been one of the major forces behind the growth of organized retailing in India. While retailing forms its core business activity, the Group has diversified into a host of businesses and is now organized along twelve verticals.

The Group operates more than 12 million square feet of retail space in 136 centers across India (71 urban and 65 rural) and has around 30,000 employees. The Future Group has 22 companies under its fold, the brief particulars of which are given in Exhibit 2.

The Future Group has a laudable mission - to make consumption affordable for all consumer segments, to promote Indian brands with confidence and ambition, to be efficient, cost-conscious and committed to quality, and to be the trendsetters in evolving delivery formats. The Group's corporate credo is "Rewrite Rules, Retain Values." The important values espoused by the Group are Indianness, respect and humility, introspection, openness, valuing and nurturing relationships, simplicity and positivity and adaptability.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Pantaloon Retail India Ltd, Future Group, Retail Formats, Consumer Segments, Indian Brands, Food Bazaar Super Market Chain, Multiple Brands, Big Bazaar, Store Brands, Personal Care Products, Chill Station, Hyper Market Chain.