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Effective Executive Magazine:
The Moral of the Moment : Social Networking - Better Late Than Never!

I never had been what you would call, `a joiner.' As a matter of fact, I think you could sum up my view on social networking by quoting the great Groucho Marx who once said, "I'd never join a club that would allow a person like me to become a member." But join I did…kind of. After being pressured by my kids, my agent and my business associates I opened an account in Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Then I proceeded to do nothing with any of these networking sites.

In my defense, I was somewhat jaded by the new `friends' of mine who were posting away. I'd occasionally drop by one of my social networking accounts and be greeted by earthshaking news like: Today I had the best bowl of cereal ever! Have you ever seen the `s' in the winter time? Why do butterflies have wings? Now maybe it's just me, but I had no idea why this would be important to me… and I have no idea why butterflies have wings! I just didn't get it. Besides, the only real contacts my miniscule social networking had brought me were two of the three singers from my high school barbershop quartet. No, I was what you might call an `Antisocial Networker' and proud of it. That was of course until the year 2009. In 2009, an economic storm hit that many of us were unprepared for. My business, tied, not only to training budgets, but travel, and the financial industry, was in the eye of the storm. I went from a business that had me booked out three to four months in advance for over 16 years to hustling for business like everyone else. Oh, and my carefully groomed social network was nonexistent. It seems that while business was good, I had unconsciously adapted the belief that business would always be good, and there was no need to take socially networking seriously.


Effective Executive Magazine, Social Networking, Business Associates, economic Storm, Social Networking Platforms, Social Networking Accounts, Innovative Ideas.