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HRM Review Magazine:
A Human Resource Perspective on Importance of Global Managers in a Post Merger Scenario



Managers today are expected not only to cater to the needs of their core working areas but also act as catalysts in the infusion and coordination of resources—human, financial, ideational and material. The article specifically looks into the issues of human resource development which is often neglected amidst the various financial intricacies of a merger and its ability to nullify a possible merger. The article proposes measures to be incorporated to avoid cultural dissonance and suggests the attributes which should be present in a global manager to handle situations and avert any demergers by his expertise.


The world truly is a global village. Especially after the dawn of the 20th century, the onslaught of industrialization and mechanization has resulted in a melting pot of cultures. In fact, such is the extent of the process of increasing connectivity that managers today are expected not only to cater to the needs of their core working areas but also act as catalysts in the infusion and coordination of resources—human, financial, ideational and material. Exploration of potential markets, assimilating various cultures existing in the environment and ensuring a diverse yet harmonious workplace are few of the basic traits present in such managers.

The article examines Hofstede's cultural dimension model vis-à-vis the role of global managers in a post merger scenario. In a cross-border merger, the cultures of two merging entities are bound to create a situation of cultural dissonance. The article specifically looks into the issues of human resource development which is often neglected amidst the various financial intricacies and its ability to nullify a possible merger. It concludes with suggestions regarding the same after specifically dealing with practical examples and proposes measures to avoid a cultural dissonance post merger. It also suggests the various attributes which should be present in a global manager to handle such situations and avert any demergers by his expertise.


HRM Review Magazine, Human Resource Perspectivess, Human Resource Development, Financial Intricacies, Globalization, Cultural Awareness, Corporate Culture, Employee Orientation, Transnational Crises, Human Resource Management, Small Scale Organization, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Information Technology, Global International Market, Cultural Dissonance.