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HRM Review Magazine:
Employee Involvement : An Approach to Organizational Development and Change



Due to globalization and redefining in the field of Information Technology, the advancement and applicability of Organizational Development has changed. Luckily, most of the organizations are adopting various kinds of organizational changes which are inevitable to survive in today's competitive environment. In this regard, Employee Involvement intervention is adopted to improve the responsiveness and progress of the members of the organization which directly improves organization's effectiveness and productivity.


Organizations are adopting Employee Involvement (EI) as an Organizational Development (OD) intervention to face the competitive demands for better performance, increase in the demand of the products, cost reductions and greater flexibility in work. This is to enhance and increase the level of participation of the members of the organization, performance improvement and members' satisfaction. Previously, EI was also termed as Quality of Work Life. EI is the continuous process of increasing the member's efforts into fruitful decisions which results in better organizational performance and employees well-being. Enlightened companies like BHEL, Tata Motors, General Mills, SAIL, GTE and Ford, etc. have increased and intensified the value of worker's involvement through enriched form of works.

A beautiful example of EI is demonstrated by Thermax. The company in August 2007, came forward with GiveIndia, a not-for-profit organization to start a program "payroll giving" which helps the employees of the company to invest for social benefits and social welfare. The employees can give any amount from their salary every month, to help the society and also for other social causes under the program. More than 800 people were motivated and have joined their helping hands to volunteer this program. The employees of Thermax actively take initiatives in company's CSR activities. Thermax Social Initiatives Foundations run schools for children where the employees gift cycles and guides them in their education and personal growth.


HRM Review Magazine, Employee Involvement, Organizational Development, Globalization, Social Welfare, Development Programs, Corporate Sectors, Financial Sectors, Total Quality Management, Customer Satisfaction, Decision Making, High Involvement Organizations, Open Information System, Organizational Decision Making.