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HRM Review Magazine:
Paradigm Shift Within - Moving from Fear to Faith

The Paradigm Shift Within program (Spiritual Outlook for Management enterprises), conducted over two days, provides participants tools to understand oneself and create self-sustaining measures, thereby deriving energy from inner calm and becoming immune to external disturbances. Spiritual tools imparted during the program are devices to approach naturality.

Changing market forces require changes in the way organizations operate, and organizations are experiencing difficulty in changing. Evolution results in letting go of what worked in the past and adopting/accepting new ways that will work in the future. Hence, change, although seemingly painful, has a beneficial end. A word of caution—change for the sake of change is disastrous. Change must happen with a need and goal. True change happens only when the organization outgrows its past boundaries and mindset, and jumps on to a new orbit/level which poses new opportunities and gains.

In an organizational context, change is received with varying degrees of acceptance. Extensive communication is required when new management systems are introduced in a transition. However, the organization's spirit takes a beating because none of the external inputs can create a climate conducive to change. They only create more unwanted emotions such as fear, indifference and hatred.


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