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HRM Review Magazine:
Virtual Teams

While some modern organizations have established "virtual work teams", which consist of people who are geographically separated and who work across boundaries of space and time using computer-driven communication technologies, it is also true that many organizations remain structured around conventional face-to-face teams. Increasingly, the conventional face-to-face team is endeavoring to increase its productivity by utilizing some of the technology and characteristics of the virtual team. It may not be practical any longer to distinguish between conventional face-to-face teams and virtual teams, due to the invasive nature of technology throughout most modern organizations.

Embracing the technological revolution is a considerable challenge for most organizations. The Internet and the dotcom phenomena in particular have transformed many "old economy" workplaces into modern e-workplaces. The pressures of the "new economy" are forcing organizations to become more dynamic in their operations and adopt innovative approaches to survive and to be competitive.

One approach adopted by modern organizations and identified in this paper is the abandonment of conventional face-to-face work teams in favor of the establishment of the "virtual team".

The work team's ability to keep up with technological developments is a factor identified as critical to the success of an organization. "Virtual teams" are said to be comprised of people who are geographically separated and who work across boundaries of space and time using modern computer-driven technologies. Team members of virtual teams seldom, if ever, meet face- to-face.


Modern, organizations, conventional, economy, geographically, computerdriven, technological, abandonment, critical, dynamic, Embracing, workplaces, forcing, innovative, invasive, organization, ability, phenomena, productivity, structured, communication, transformed, pressures.