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Global CEO Magazine:
Venture capitalism: An opportunity before Indian investors

Venture capital is attracting the attention of Indian investors as it is more attractive when compared to traditional sources of financing. Venture capitalists finance those innovation and ideas that have a potential for higher return on investment coupled with high risk. In the broadest sense, therefore, venture capital connotes risk finance as well as managerial support. Research reveals that India is emerging as an exciting market for venture capitalists. In India, this potential is confined not only to Information Technology (IT); it is equally relevant in several other areas such as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, media, entertainment, agriculture, food processing, telecommunications and other services. This research article highlights the need for developing a congenial environment for the growth of the venture capital industry in India on par with such industries in America, Europe and Asian countries like Japan, China, Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia.

This article also throws light on the venture capital environment in India and the challenges lying ahead. Several research studies indicate that India is emerging as an exciting market for venture capital investments due to the rapid growth of the economy—a result of globalization and liberalization. The investments made by various venture capitalists in India are a case in point. The success story of India, in the area of Information Technology (IT) predominantly in E-Governance, Data communications, Digital Signal Processing-based solutions and low-cost manpower-based software solutions demonstrate that there is a tremendous potential for the growth of knowledge-based industries in India. This potential is not only confined to Information Technology (IT) but is equally relevant in several other areas like biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, drugs, agriculture, media, food processing, telecommunications and other services. Given the inherent strength by way of its skilled and cost competitive manpower, technology, research, entrepreneurship, congenial environment and policy support, India can achieve rapid economic growth and competitive global strength in a sustainable manner.



Venture capitalism: An opportunity before Indian investors, Information Technology , IT , biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, media, entertainment, agriculture, food processing, telecommunications , E-Governance, Data communications, Digital Signal Processing.