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HRM Review Magazine:
Mentoring: An Institution Building Process

Mentoring is a process that helps a junior person to benefit from the experience and knowledge of a senior person who plays the role of a mentor. Usually, this process evolves on its own in a family or academic environment. It is realized that formalizing the process of mentoring in a business organization can offer several benefits. The aim of this paper is to discuss the practical aspects of mentoring and how it can help in institutional situations.

If we go through Indian mythology and history, we will see that all the kings who ruled ancient India had Rajgurus. Who were these Rajgurus? They were the ones to give the Maha Mantra (expert advice) to the kings whenever it was needed. For example, King Dashrath of Ramayana had three Rajgurus. When it was time to the groom his sons Rama and Laxmana, he assigned these Rajgurus for mentoring them for different phases of life.

Another classic example of mentoring is found in Mahabharata, that of Lord Krishna and Arjuna. Even after being trained by Rajgurus like Dronacharya and Vishwamitra, when Arjuna was hesitant to raise his weapons against his relatives and friends in the battlefield, Lord Krishna changed his position from being a Sarathi (chariot driver) to being a friendly Mentor, and that discourse forms the famous Bhagwad Gita.

The word "mentor" originated from the epic `The Odyssey', written by the Greek poet Homer. The story goes that Odysseus (also know as Ulysses in the Latin transactions) is planning to go to battle in the Trojan War. As he makes his preparations, he realizes that his heir, Telemachus, is not trained to act as a responsible king during his absence. Odysseus turns to a Mentor, a wise and trusted family friend, who agrees to be the tutor of Telemachus while Odysseus is away.



Mentoring, junior person, experience and knowledge, senior person, plays the role of a mentor,family or academic environment, mentoring business organization,several benefits, aim of this paper, practical aspects, mentoring, institutional situations.