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The HRM Review Magazine:
Retention Through Reward Management

Each employer should keep his workforce fully satisfied with no room for disgruntlement. There should be a bunch of other competitive facilities, including better pay and benefits like bonuses, etc. Employers should also create a warm atmosphere and friendly culture at the workplace so that each employee feelsrecognized for his performance, appreciated for his quality of work and rewarded for his share of responsibility.

"Genius begins and labor finishes" is an old saying that would be profoundly significant if interpreted in the context of corporates and large employers. Concepts, visions and decisions do take shape within the four walls of corporate boardrooms. However, it is only the employees that implement and give tangibility to the corporate's mission. In other words, if it is the highest rung in the corporate hierarchy that has ideas, it is the employees' rung that has the chisel to bring the visions to life. Unlike inanimate products and systems that subject themselves to finetuning without any reaction, employees would not subject themselves to any measures taken without reaction and analysis. Hence, managing of human resources, particularly retaining them, is an art that calls for special skills and strategies.

The intangible, complex `psychology' factor has to be handled with a velvet glove as it eventually leads to a polarization of total human resources into two species, namely, the `loyals', who are prepared to stick to the employer and the `rolling stones' that are poised to roll out for a variety of reasons. This phenomenon relating to latter class of employees, i.e., `attrition', has highlighted the urgent necessity for the formulation of suitable strategies aimed at stemming the exodus and retaining the employees by instilling in them a general sense of loyalty. The prerequisite for the steps taken to control the phenomenon is to ascertain the actual reasons for the departure of an employee. Naturally, the first question that crops up in the minds of HR analysts is what exactly are the reasons that prompt an employee to seek the exit door. Is the grass greener on the other side?

At the same time, it is not an easy task to ascertain the real reason for departure from the quitting employee. Firstly, the reply given by the employee may not reflect the true cause for fear of injuring the employer. Secondly, the reply, coming as it does almost in the end, is too late to serve any useful purpose. However, the HR analysts, following the axiom "better late than never", feel that it may be useful to know the reasons for the exit of any employee, so that it would form a major element in the HR policies of the employer.



employer, room for disgruntlement, bunch of facilities, better pay, benefits like bonuses, Employers,createawarm atmosphere and friendly, culture, workplace, employee feelsrecognized, performance, quality of wor, share of responsibility,Genius begins and labor finishes.