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Advertising Express Magazine:
Creative Strategy

Priti has spent over 15 years in advertising and has worked on some of the major FMCG and durable brands in the country, creating campaigns for all media including film, radio, press, outdoor and rural. Priti began her career as a copywriter at DART Advertising in 1990 and moved onto become a Creative Director at Chaitra Leo Burnett, a part of the Publicis group in India, where she handles brands like Coca-Cola, Limca, Ariel, and Complan. With Lowe since 1998 as Creative Director, her portfolio have included brands from Unilevers Household and Personal Care division as well as AT&T (Idea Cellular) and the famous Balbir Pasha Campaign for Population Services International. She has done award winning work on Axe and was responsible for launching it in India. Priti has won national and international awards for several pieces of her work. Her most talked about work includes Balbir Pasha, Greenply sardar kid, Liril and Surf excel Daag acche hain.


An often misunderstood phrase in our industry is creative strategy. It gets muddled up most times with marketing strategy and what you end up with is the base level product benefit-oriented sheet of paper. A creative strategy is something that stems out of a marketing strategy. It takes a leap from there and then goes further to occupy a specific space for the product in a consumer's mind. It defines the communication and allows the creative part to hit upon a creative idea.

Typically, the advertising objective, the target, the current behavior and the desired behavior are mostly the information that is required for understanding the background in which we are operating. However, the key consumer insight and the consumer proposition are the most important. The key consumer insight is the behavioral pattern of your target that you want to tap on and the consumer proposition therefore falls out from there. The proposition is the space you want to occupy in the mind of the consumers in your communication.To illustrate on Surf, if the key consumer insight is that mothers don't like children coming home with stain - the proposition is that stains are experience and are good. Then the space you want to occupy in the communication is to be the brand that encourages children to experience more through stains. Most of you would have seen the much talked about surf Excel brother sister ad. That was an outcome of this. It is this that separates you and allows you to occupy a distinctive slot in the consumers' lifespace. So one has to try hard to make the proposition different as this is the one thing that the creative will take the leap from.


Advertising Express Magazine, Creative Strategy, FMCG Brands, Marketing Strategy, Advertising Industries, Brand Equity, Technological Developments, European Advertising, Behavioral Patterns, Consumer Propositions, Population Services, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, FMCG.