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Advertising Express Magazine:
Emerging Role of Advergaming : A Global and Indian Perspective

Advertising has evolved over the past two-three years and is no longer confined to the traditional modes. With the changing behavioral pattern of the consumer of the Information Age, the way the marketers talk to the consumers is also changing. One such mode is advertising in video games through various channels. This paper presents a specific mode of advertising in video gamesin-game advertising and advergaming. An overview of the industry has been presented and also various aspects of the same have been outlined. An initial discussion on the changing business environment and the need to shift from traditional advertising is also followed by a snapshot of the vast potential that this emerging segment holds. Consumer behavior in the gaming community is a complex phenomenon, and has specific attributes, which marketers the world over would like to leverage to build their marketing communication. This article attempts to identify specific characteristics of the typical consumer, and the factors influencing his decisions.


Advertising has redefined its boundaries over the past 2-3 years. It has evolved into an industry where traditional modes no longer add substantial value and consumer preferences just cannot be taken for granted. With an evolution in Information Technology, many new sources of media have sprouted up and consumers are being lured in every possible manner at every possible place. With the touchpoints for the consumers increasing day by day, the clutter has entailed innovative modes of communication with consumers. The objective is no longer to communicate, but to communicate effectively. In the current context, a much closer interaction and empathizing has become imperative for the marketers. Thus, there is a continuous and consistent search for any potential touchpoint that can not only deliver the message effectively, but also ensure a sustainable relationship with a customer and develop a long-term relationship.

One such form of communication that is quickly evolving in the spheres of global business is video games. An estimated revenue of over $10 bn and more than 30% of this coming from advertising, the gaming industry holds a strong untapped potential for the global marketers. With the changing demography the world over, video gaming is considered to be the one of the most effective communication medium in the 21st century to connect with the target audience. In terms of distribution and reach, it has already garnered the fourth-highest reach, after TV, Internet and radio. What makes this industry most lucrative is not only the reach, but also the efficacy of the deliverables.


Advertising Express Magazine, Advergaming, Advertising, Video Games, Business Environment, Traditional Advertising, Marketing Communication, Information Technology, Global Markets, Mass Marketing, Mass Media Communication, Brand Equity, Technological Investments, In-game Advertising, International Marketers, Telecommunications Industry, Electronic Games.