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Advertising Express Magazine:
Science of Advertising : An Insight Analysis

Advertising portrays the work of creativity and glamor which creates attention value, attracts and motivates end-users to buy a product/service. It is an "awareness creator" acting as a carrier of communication which provides appropriate information about a product/service. Merely providing information might not create attention value, hence the companies develop eye catching commercials to woo the end-users attention. Companies spend millions to develop commercials and even sign in celebrities to endorse them, in order to ensure reach, recall and sales. The big question that lingers in the mind of sponsors is the effectiveness of advertising in influencing consumer buying decisions? The greatest dream of the sponsors is to get the value for the money spent on advertising campaign in terms of increase in sales. Unfortunately, not all the promotional campaigns turn out to be effective in terms of generating sales, but rather end up as awareness creators. This article discusses the necessary ingredients and formulae in advertising which ensures the impact on consumer buying decision.


It is always a debatable question in the minds of experts from advertising world and academia, that whether advertising is an art or science? The answer could be "advertising is an art and science". The art part involves the proposition of creativity in advertising and the science part deals with the precision with which the necessary ingredients and formulae of advertising can be used in order to meet the objectives. The role of advertising has witnessed a sea change over a period of time, from awareness creator to decision influencer. Thus, the sponsors and advertising agencies give keen importance in promotional campaigns and even intend to spend millions to make the campaign a success. Definitely, the agenda for the campaign does not end by only creating awareness, but, also focusing on generating more revenues. Albeit, advertising agencies focus more on the art part of advertising, the sponsors would be more interested in the science as the reason is obvious. The question here is how the art and science of advertising could be effectively balanced by achieving the goal of reach, recall and sales?

The definition might be unconventional and a form of acronym, but it focuses more on the science part of the advertising. As the definition explains, advertising should create an attitude towards a particular product/service and kindle the desire and stimuli to make consumers buy. The word "vertical" ensures a definite influence on consumers to make buying decision. Though the sponsors would like to see the advertising campaign provide a greater reach, they place a greater interest in recalling how the campaign could generate more revenues. Eventually, that could be the parameter to see that the money is well spent or not. How would we ensure that the advertising achieves the promotion goal? Are there any formulae available? How these formulae be effectively used in advertising? The following are the formulae of the advertising which would provide assurance in achieving the promotional goals.


Advertising Express Magazine, Advertising, Consumer Buying Decisions, Promotional Campaigns, Advertising Campaigns, Advertising Agencies, Promotional Goals, Brand Loyalty, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, FMCG, Lifetime Investments, Organizational Goals.