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Global CEO Magazine:
Bank of Baroda

"I think the Sun is a very respected symbol and calling it the Baroda Sun created a sense of pride in people. In fact, we went to the extent of branding the Sun itself."


It has been a long and eventful journey of almost a century across 21 countries. Starting in 1908 from a small building in Baroda to its new hi-rise and hi-tech Baroda Corporate Center in Mumbai, is a saga of vision, enterprise, financial prudence and corporate governance.

It is a story scripted in corporate wisdom and social pride. It is a story crafted in private capital, princely patronage and state ownership. It is a story of ordinary bankers and their extraordinary contribution in the ascent of Bank of Baroda to the formidable heights of corporate glory. It is a story that needs to be shared with all those millions of people - customers, stakeholders, employees and the public at large - who in ample measure, have contributed to the making of an institution.

The Bank of Baroda (BoB) had started the IT driven business transformation program, right in 2000-2001. I was the executive director then. We had appointed Gartner's as our consultant. They started with IT but then it was found that it would be useful to look at the business side of the transformation. As a package we were looking at a variety of things including marketing, image and repositioning of the bank. Studies revealed that the image of the bank and customer are the key issues. That moment itself we were trying to re-brand the bank and we got in touch with some marketing and branding firms. The issue was hot in the sense that "we want to change, we want to hire a firm", before I left to head Dena bank in February 2004. When I came back on March 1, 2005, I found that the board had approved the logo, it was in the files and we needed to take a decision.


Global CEO Magazine, Bank of Baroda, Corporate Governance, Business Transformation Program, Branding Firms, Marketing Firms, Human Resources, Brand Building, International Markets, Advertising Campaigns, Public Sector Banks, Re-branding Strategies, Banking Services, Change Management.