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Global CEO Magazine:
Riding on the M&A wave : Employees strategies for survival

The M&A wave has hit Indian shores. A huge surge in M&A activity is visible and this has a varied impact on the jobs/careers of employees at all levels in the organizations involved. How to ride on the M&A wave without allowing it to hit you adversely is a skill to be learnt and an art to be perfectedbut it is vital for survival in this fast and competitive business environment.


Organizations have to grow to survive. The traditional approach of internal growth - referred as the `organic growth' model has gradually given way to the more dynamic and bolder approachthe external approachreferred as `inorganic growth' model. The current era is witnessing a healthy combination of both these forms of growth but the slant is definitely towards `inorganic growth' popularly known as `Corporate Restructuring' or `M&A - Mergers and Acquisitions'.

According to Eric Fiedler, Hewitt's Regional Director, "M&A activity in AsiaPacific has increased dramatically in recent years. In 1998, Asian M&A transactions accounted for just 8% of global deals. However, today that figure is closer to 25%. During this time, M&A deals have also grown in sophistication and complexity, and issues such as cultural adaptability and an understanding of local HR policies are fast having a strong impact on long-term success".

M&As affect the employer-employee relationship in varying degrees and have a definite impact on the careers/job profiles of employees at all levels. The impact may be positive or negative from the employee's point of view and in the worse case scenario it may end up in job loss for the employee or resignation/exit of the employee from the merged outfit due to compatibility issues.The challenge facing the employees is to ensure that they ride on the M&A wave smoothly without allowing it to hit them adversely. An attempt is made in the article to address this issue so that the art of riding on the M&A wave can be perfected and employees can survive and possibly utilize the M&A activity to their advantage.


Global CEO Magazine, M&A Wave, Business Environment, Corporate Restructuring, Mergers and Acquisitions, Organizational Restructuring, Business Process Re-Engineering, Capital Intensive Sectors, Emerging Sectors, Small and Medium Enterprises, SMEs, Multi-Cultural Environment.