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HRM Review Magazine:
Changing Frozen Moulds: Women Perspectives

Armed with a professional qualification, an ambitious dream and amazing potential, a woman chooses to prioritize social obligations and bids adieu to a career at the prime of her life. A break in career was usually considered a handicap and it takes mammoth efforts to get back into the job sphere again. But, all is not lost. This frozen mould in which many women can identify themselves is also changing. `Flexi-plan Interim Managers would be the new buzzword to help them break the mould.


A woman faces responsibilities, finding it frustrating to balance work and family life. Thinking that they are unable to give 100% commitment to either work or home, these women end up feeling guilty and give up their career. Women professionals with CA, MBA, MCA or BTech qualifications and technical and managerial experience have given up their jobs after marriage. Having put in years of experience in their specialized area, these women resigned their jobs for biological or transitional reasons. Regular timing, commuting for long distance and working during ungodly hours deter them from resuming a full time career. In their heart, they crave to get back to their work. But they cannot and this distresses them.

The concept of Flexi-plan Interim Managers will help fulfilling the needs of such women. They would like to work at their own pace in their own time from their own place. "Stay-home-Moms" who keep their career intact through this interim managers concept is very much prevalent in developed nations and is yet to find a place in India. But in our country it is ideally suited to take off, as we have a growing knowledge industry and a substantial pool of talented women professionals.


HRM Review Magazine, Frozen Moulds, Women Perspectives, Knowledge Industry, Government Services, Communication Skills, Software Development, Women Professionals, Information and Communication Technologies, Customer Support Services, Corporate Firms.