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HRM Review Magazine:
Making of Employers Brand: The Relevance of Human Intellect and Energies

Since many firms are preoccupied with employee downsizing, pension cutting and benefit slashing issues in the name of leveraging the competition, sufficient attention is not being paid for the management of `organizational credibility from an HR perspective. As such the making of `employers brand assumes vital significance by projecting a dynamic vision about the role played by the human intellect and energy in the process. The brand-building besides catering to the needs of business management has proved to be an asset for some of the companies like `Infosys where the emotional strength of employees is found to be much higher.


The Financial Times made an interesting observation while reporting the growing contest between Chinese and Indian economies in capturing the boom in services sector across the world. Recently, author Yasheng Huang pointed out that in 2003 and 2004 China was investing almost half of its GDP in plant, machinery and equipment better known as physical infrastructure. It was almost twice that of India, which faces countless factors for the burgeoning gap between demand and supply. By the time the investments in China had started showing productive results, during April-June 2005; India's GDP grew at 8.1%, not too far behind China's 9%. Huang further observes that during 2001-05, the Shanghai Stock Market Index dropped from 2200 points to 1135. During the same time, India's sensex zoomed from 2500 points to 10000, which was unprecedented.

The current healthy state of macro economy is characterized by the sustained growth rate of 8% and above looks feasible. The RBI's positive outlook on growth and price stability makes it imperative to do some concrete exercise in the direction of reaping rich harvest. In recent times the sound corporate earnings particularly, the impressive performance of the top three IT companies-Infosys, Satyam, Wipro-further throws light upon the current optimism. By elucidating the factors responsible for the phenomenon we come to know that India has been able to mobilize a huge `thought capital' also known as `intellectual capital' that finds relevance in capturing the boom of the knowledge economy across the globe. The pool of intellectual resources, nicknamed as `knowledge workers', is further capable of delivering goods to diverse segments of the economy.


HRM Review Magazine, Organizational Credibilities, Business Management, Indian Economies, Gross Domestic Product, GDP, International Rating Agencies, Corporate Sectors, Credibility Management, Crisis Management, Retention Strategies, Financial Service Providers, Corporate Social Responsibility, Socioeconomic Transformations, Social Branding, Multicultural Organizations.