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HRM Review Magazine:
The Pedagogy of Case Method

In the modern times, teaching methodology has taken a new dimension. It has become more participatory in type and it is no longer unidirectional in nature. It has become a two-way process where both the teachers and the students have almost equal roles to play. One such method is `case study where the teacher plays the role of a facilitator in the process of teaching and learning. Most of the business schools world over including India are increasingly using this method of teaching.


As we are getting geared up for the extremely complex and challenging business environment, it calls for a system of learning that helps students understand the intricacies of the subject. Today's management graduates need expertise and skills that will help them in meeting the professional challenges of the future. And this will depend not only on the student's ability to learn and understand business information, but also, to a great extent, on the resources (study materials) and methods of teaching they are exposed to.

Although many business schools around the world including Harvard Business School use case method of instruction as the ideal method, the case method has not yet become an integral part of our education system. The case method of teaching is one of the most widely used and accepted means of bringing together both theoretical concepts and practical situations. It is difficult and to some extent not possible to take a class into an organization and study the organizational behavior or the subject matter of management, hence a written case study that provides a real or a realistic situation is the best accessible alternative.

Interestingly, the case method of instruction is not a latest innovation. Indeed, it was created and introduced by Christopher C Langdell, Dean of the Harvard Law School in 1870. Judgment and experience are the most important managerial skills required to succeed in today's business context and there is no other better way to develop these skills than through the case method of instruction. The case method approach of pedagogy provides more experience into each hour of learning than any other forms of instructional approach. In a nutshell, the case method offers a dual purpose of both understanding a real life like situation and developing the analytical skills of the students. The use of case studies holds great promise as a pedagogical method for teaching management studies in the future.


HRM Review Magazine, Business Environment, Business Schools, Managerial Skills, Problem-Solving Techniques, Business Organizations, Management Theories, Decision-Making Process, Interpersonal Skills, Decision-Making Skills, Business Management.