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Advertising Express Magazine:
Need for Effective Advertising

While it is true that every new medium takes away a chunk of the advertisement (ad) budget from other media, the total pull of mass media as a whole is under threat from the innovative basket of media channels. This is because the adoption rate of the new media is quite fast. Besides gaining numbers very quickly, this non-traditional media has emerged as a cheaper and more effective option for advertisers.


An overdose of anything elicits aversion and avoidance. Advertising in today's context aptly fits this scenario of excess. Of course, this is a reflection of the times we live in. Driven by the high consumption levels and ever-increasing range of new products and services being rolled out, consumers are flooded with marketing communication messages. Increasingly, governments are liberalizing the operating environment for businesses and letting the market forces determine the fate of entrepreneurs. Coupled with financial sector reforms and availability of venture capital, more and more businesses are being set up now. Even as basic needs are fulfilled, zealous marketers are uncovering unexpressed and latent requirements. Hitherto unthought of products and services are evolving continuously. Consumption levels are sought to be increased in the existing product categories, while aggressive marketing is creating demand for innovative products and services.

This combination of expanding choice for consumers and competition within different product categories among manufacturers inevitably leads to bombardment of advertising messages. This assault has two dimensions—high frequency of advertising and use of multiple media options by advertisers. The dimension of high frequency levels cannot be undermined because of the reinforcement value. Higher the frequency of exposure to an advertisement, greater the recall value associated with the brand advertised. Several media options are required as customer lifestyles are not homogenous. For example, within the same target profile, different customers have varying media habits. Mass media (print, radio and TV) is enough to reach out to some, whereas for others the Internet, mobile phones and events are also needed.


Advertising Express Magazine, Effective Advertising, Advertisement Budget, Non-traditional Media, Marketing Communication Messages, Financial Sector Reforms, Innovative Products and Services, Mass Media, Operating Environment, Effective Media Planning, Ad Agencies, Advertising Agency, Product Categories, Promotional Advertisements, Geographic Markets, Automatic Teller Machine Advertising, Mobile Advertising.