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Advertising Express Magazine:
Kids : A Bulls-eye for Advertisers Today Search Engine Optimization : A New Realm in Advertising

Indian marketers are becoming more complex day by day. But a new phenomenon which is gaining prominence is advertising to children. Nowadays, children are becoming very important consumers because of their increasing influence on the purchasing decisions of their parents and other family members directly or indirectly. So, the marketers are trying to attract children through various advertisements as most of them spend a greater part of their time in watching television.


Advertisement is one of the major tools that all business firms use for persuasive communication. The effectiveness of advertising depends on the extent to which the advertising message is received and accepted by the target audiences.

Advertising may be in various forms like magazine advertisements, pamphlets, posters, billboards, television commercials, Internet advertising, etc. It also involves all forms of promotion and sponsorship. So, the different vehicles for advertising a product can be categorized as print media, broadcast media, direct mail advertising media, outdoor media and electronic media.

In this highly competitive and globalized market, business organizations are leaving no stone unturned to come out with flying colors by creating greater awareness and long-run acceptability of their product brands. Creation of awareness mainly depends on persuasive communication with the buyers and potential customers, and here enters the advertisement, which is an art of persuading others to purchase what the marketer has.With the emergence of globalization and liberalization, marketers have attained a global presence, and in the Indian market context many MNC's entered India after having made their presence felt with their good advertising strategies. Indian kids' companies like McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Lilliput, Johnson & Johnson and many more are successful players that have attained a good market share.


Advertising Express Magazine, Search Engine Optimization, Indian Marketers, Business Firms, Magazine Advertisements, Internet Advertising, Direct Mail Advertising Media, Electronic Media, Business Organizations, Globalization, Liberalization, Advertising Strategies, Marketing Techniques, Stop Commercial Exploitation of Children, SCEC.