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Advertising Express Magazine:
Brand Wagon : Kurkure Express

This article explores new advertising possibilities that unfold before the Indian Railways as it realizes the revenue potential of this opportunity. It also highlights the challenges that the Indian Railways is likely to face in exploiting this opportunity really well.


Passenger announcement: All passengers boarding the Kurkure Express are expected to board the train immediately. The train will depart on time and along with the tea, Kurkure snacks will be served to the passengers on board.

The Indian Railways have finally woken up to ride the brand wagon and tap the huge potential which exists for advertising on trains. The recent initiative to brand trains as Kurkure Express offers lot of opportunities for advertising on trains and a source of untapped revenue potential for the railways. According to estimates, Indian Railways is likely to generate revenues to the tune of Rs. 4,000 cr from such advertising; a significant amount if the medium is tapped efficiently. Last year, the Indian Railways made a profit to the tune of Rs. 11,000 cr. Then why do they need to tap advertising? Laloo Prasad Yadav, the Railway Minister, has asked various divisions of Indian Railways to think of innovative ways to generate revenue. One of these innovative ways to generate revenue is through advertising which, if utilized well, has significant potential. Consider the following figures and facts, which reveal this


Advertising Express Magazine, Kurkure Express, Indian Railways, Brand Trains, Cola Advertisers, Traditional Advertising Mechanism, Pan-India Advertising Option, Brand Building, Railway Stations, Brand Wagon, Indian Marketers.