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Advertising Express Magazine:
Marketing : A Major Menace to Society

Today, we live in a world in which market triumphalism is seemingly the only thing pursued in society. Recent years have seen a boom in the marketing industry. Since the 1980s, marketers have been trying to recognize the feelings, deeds, thoughts, manners, actions and behaviors of vulnerable age groups. Marketers are exerting a very big influence over what the youth eat, how they dress, and how they behave. They are being trained in these attitudes and behaviors by multibillion-dollar industries, where these attitudes are in contrast to what parents wish to teach their children and also opposite to the attitudes and values that make for a healthy living. This article suggests that marketing contributes to the array of problems facing the vulnerable consumer groups.


Young people are hot property right now. In contemporary times, marketing has seen a tumultuous change in the way it impacts society, that too directly on vulnerable customer groups. The oft-cited dictum that only change is constant in the marketing genre is an appropriate one. In the hope of making a fast buck, marketers are creating ways to obliterate the societal values and ethics. While the globe is indeed becoming a smaller place, marketers have to bear in mind national, local and cultural sensitivities.

Marketers segment the youth market by distinguishing trends and subcultures within the age groups and demographics. Renowned Dutch Youth Marketing specialist framed an instructive model to classify the whole youth segment. As exactly pointed out by Angela Schwindt, "While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." This holds true in the present scenario, but values of life according to their judgment are completely antithetical to the attitudes of their parents and society. These days, in many nuclear families, due to both parents working, the children are left alone, susceptible to the messages thrown at them by the marketers.


Advertising Express Magazine, Marketing, Market Triumphalism, Marketing Industry, Multibillion-dollar Industries, Cultural Sensitivities, FMCG Companies, Advertising Products, Contemporary Advertising, Corporate Logos, Western Culture, World Health Organisation, WHO, Tobacco Manufacturing Companies, Social Networking Sites, Internet-based Marketing Techniques, Youth Marketing Industry.