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Advertising Express Magazine:
Search Engine Optimization : A New Realm in Advertising

In today's internationally allied world, merely being there on a website is not adequate. Organizations must ensure that the world comes to know of their presence through search engine optimization. This article deals with information on the range of popular search engines that are available and optimization of these search engines. It also provides important tips for marketing decision-makers to optimize their search engines.


A search engine is an information retrieval system designed to facilitate information search on a computer system—such as on the World Wide Web (WWW)—inside a company or private network, or on a personal computer. The search engine allows one to look for content meeting specific requirements, containing a specific word (keyword) or phrase and regains a listing of items that match those criteria. This listing is often sorted with respect to some amount of relevance of the results. Search engines use frequently updated indexes to function quickly and efficiently.

Analyzing the steadily changing international markets, the importance of search engine optimization had long been realized for small business websites in India. There is an urgent requirement for `easy-on-the-pocket' Internet marketing packages and strategies for small business websites, and also the need for easily comprehensible information about the search engine optimization process of acquiring first page rankings on Google, Yahoo, MSN, and Ask, and listings in top online directories.

Target marketing on the Internet is difficult when compared with conventional media like newspapers, television, etc. Here, search engines can be a handy tool for marketers. Search engines help marketers' websites to get maximum advertising space on the Internet. Industry experts opine that search engine advertising is poised for exponential growth, hence marketers need to understand the nitty-gritty of search engine marketing. Website marketing through search engine optimization is an essential part of integrated marketing communication in this age of information technology.


Advertising Express Magazine, Search Engine Optimization, International Markets, Internet Marketing Packages, Business Websites, Online Directories, Target Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Advertising, Information Technology, Search Engine Rankings.