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Advertising Express Magazine:
Space Research : Spectrum of Marketing Issues

One would be flabbergasted to know that mind-boggling work has been going on in the field of space research and would be inquisitive to know its impact on different sectors such as space tourism, agriculture, perfume industry, and pharma industry. This article touches upon all the above issues in a lucid manner.


In this explosive, high-tech era, exploring the unexplored areas, reaching places one has never dreamt of in one's life has become the sweet reality of the day. One such interesting arena is space research. We can visualize many eyebrows being raised in wonder and a few eyebrows with contempt (as, in India, most of the people live below the poverty line, these few wonder why the author chose this opulent topic). Let us clarify the fact that space research has facilitated mankind to understand mother Earth in a better way and also identified the business/marketing potential of different sectors. The number of research articles and papers and the degree of media interest in space research have touched phenomenal heights and the work is progressing in diverse directions.

Looking out from space is a wonderful sight. According to those who have been to space, the stars do not twinkle as there is no atmosphere. They are much closer, look much brighter and colors are very clear. Living in zero gravity is a fascinating experience. Simply, floating slowly around lets you indulge in all types of gimmicks like trying to float precisely across the room and grab something without bumping into anything else.


Advertising Express Magazine, Space Research, Space Tourism, Pharma Industry, Russian Federation, Space Business Activities, Crew Space Transportation System, CSTS, US Aerospace Companies, Market Research, Orbital Accommodation Centers, Space Restaraunts, Market Segmentation, Marketing Implications.