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Global CEO Magazine:
Competencies for strategic HRM

In the era of globalization, competition has become a very big challenge for all corporate leaders in the world. To sustain with this tough competition all leaders should develop suitable professional competencies which will play a major role in determining leadership effectiveness. Today, competencies have become an integral part of every profession including human resources for diagnosing, improving and framing various aspects of Human Resource Management. This article throws light on various professional and general competencies required for HR professionals to emerge as strategic leaders.


In the era of globalization, competition is creating many challenges for the leaders of the corporate business world. To face all these challenges professionally, competencies play a major role in determining leadership effectiveness because they differ from one leader to another. Leaders require a particular set of competencies to inspire their followers to translate the vision of an organization into reality. Competencies have become an integral part of every field including HR. For the past 25 to 30 years, the competency approach has emerged from a narrow application to a leading method for diagnosing, improving, and framing various aspects of Human Resource Management (HRM). Changes in the business environment forced HR professionals to redefine their roles and develop competencies to meet all actual demands.

Competencies are measurable or observable knowledge, skills, abilities or attitudes and other behaviors which contribute to the success of one's job. Competencies are those behaviors or set of behaviors that actually describe excellence in performance within a particular work environment. They are critical in deriving the expected outcomes and help individuals to align their objectives with the departmental and organizational objectives.


Global CEO Magazine, Globalization, Strategic HRM, Human Resource Management, Corporate Business World, Business Environment, Organizational Awareness, Ethical Standards, Multicultural Environment, Decision Making Process, Business Awareness, Financial Planning, Organizational Strategy.