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Global CEO Magazine:
Values linked to process equals performance

There is a strong linkage between excellent long-term performance and the way values held by an organization are interwoven with its daily routine processes. If the top management clearly enunciates these values and also very vigilantly ensures their implementation across the organization in every single process, these values become an integral part of a superbly performing, long lived, healthy organization. There is no shortcut.


Long-term, sustained superior performance is the direct consequence of the connection between how values are embedded in the design of processes and the ongoing vigilant implementation of those processes. Though short-term gains may be realized by violation of values, inevitably there are subsequent consequences that take back, negate, and often more than not exceed those short-term gains. The design of business processes reflects an implicit value statement, for how you design the tasks to be performed, the means by which those tasks shall be performed, the controls that govern the decisions that follow therefrom. Ultimately and collectively, it is a statement of the values that are fundamental to the enterprise.

This article explores the linkage between values, process and performance. Performance is the manifestation of the values—process linkage. With strong process, but weak values, ultimately performance will suffer. If superb values are not matched by equally superb process, performance may not be realized and certainly will not be sustained. In this article, interdependency of the process and values of Roulac Global Places, LLC, is discussed where business is engaged in investment management, strategy consulting and information products. The focus is on the investment management business, which trades as Roulac Global Funds.


Global CEO Magazine, Business Processes, Roulac Global Places, Investment Management Business, Information Products, Investment Management, Brand Management, Roulac Global Funds, Roulac Global Property Alpha Factory, Innovative Investing Strategies, Business Strategy.