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HRM Review Magazine:
Global Human Resources Management

Global HR Management means establishment, development and management of HR relationships beyond the borders of the country. It is the art of dealing with people across cultures. But culture itself is a product of thoughts and practices of people. Hence, to manage people across cultures is a skill in itself; the complexities involved will be clear when one recalls an anonymous quote: "People have one thing in common: they are all different." Evidently, Global HRM is not a simple bundle of conventional functions like recruitment, promotion, dovetailing workforce responsibilities, or ensuring satisfactory levels of wages and compensation. It calls for astute, psychological gambits and maneuvers.


When dealing with people let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity, said Dale Carnegie, the well-known American Writer and the renowned proponent of various techniques of self-improvement and interpersonal dealings. Emotion, prejudice and pride are the products of the individual's culture and if the cultures of team members vary, the task of managing such people becomes all the more complex. This necessity becomes acute when the economy is witnessing the inevitable phenomenon of change, which prominently manifests itself in expansion and growth, stretching across geographical and political barriers and frontiers. Deep-rooted competition that is unabatedly seething in every developing economy also lets only the fittest to survive, i.e., only those who update, modify and adapt business strategies, with HRM as its focus. But when the business has spilled over the national boundaries, the task of managing Human Resources becomes more complex and necessarily encompasses additional strategies, and calls for astute, psychological gambits and maneuvers. In fact, the Global HR Management, thus, would mean establishment, development and management of HR relationships beyond the borders of the country.

Progressing technology and shifting values of corporates and governments, as also the roving perspectives of consumers, are also compelling business houses to train and develop Human Resources with special skills oriented towards management of cross-border business. As the economy is expanding globally in an unprecedented manner, an effective management of Human Resources across the boundaries becomes crucial to the success of organizations.


HRM Review Magazine, Global Human Resources Management, Business Strategies, Human Resources, Global Organizational Networks, Business Organizations, Management Techniques, Domestic HRM Tactics, Global Organizations, Organizational Developments, Global HR Management Techniques, Amalgamation and Acquisitions, Cultural Awareness, Multinational Companies, MNCs.