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HRM Review Magazine:
Three Mishaps : Beware or Perish

The HR of most organizations in modern times is prey to three forms of mismanagement viz. misplacement, miscommunication and mistreatment. Generally, in an autocratic form of management, these three behemoths sap the vital energy of HR in an organization. In order to ensure smooth-sailing progress, every organization should detect these three mishaps at an early stage and take necessary steps to defend itself. The management should know that a warm superior-subordinate relationship works wonders for the organization.


Employees are the key resource of any organization. This is the only resource that can give other resources such as money and machine their meaningful value. Over the ages, experts vigorously researched ways to utilize Human Resource (HR) economically. Sometimes those researches brought out benchmark inventions, which opened new doors for HR management. Again, innumerable other researches stumbled over many walls. This is where the question of professional management and mismanagement arises. A management cannot use its HR as guinea pig. Experiment and re-experimentation on HR policies may result in huge financial losses and ethical deterioration of the organization. Few organizations can afford such losses; financial loss can be compensated, but ethical deterioration is a profound loss. Professionally-managed organizations do not wait for chances and opportunities, they work hard to adopt the best policies to suit their HR, and remain flexible to changes if required. On the other hand, unprofessional managements are less concerned regarding their HR. Frequent changes in policies, following unsuitable plans, poor infrastructure in implementing a plan, etc., lead to organizational underperformance. Unfortunately, in maximum number of cases, the management either remains unaware about the loopholes or is not bold enough to confess about the mismanagement.

Mismanagement summons three fierce "viruses"—misplacement, miscommunication and mistreatment—into organizational environment. The trio individually and conjointly drain out the vital energy of the HR in an organization.

Mismanagement falls heavily on an organization and it hits the HR severely. Misplacement, miscommunication and mistreatment are the three obvious outcomes of mismanagement. Alternatively, the presence of these miscreants is a clear indication of mismanagement in the organization.


HRM Review Magazine, Three Mishaps, Human Resources, HR Management, Organizational Environment, Psychological Compensation, Communication Systems, Harvard Business Review, Cultural Impediments, Organizational Hierarchal System, Organizational Structure, Decision-Making Process.