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The IUP Journal of Computational Mathematics :
A Genetic Algorithm for the Replicator Dynamics of a Single-Species Population

Genetic algorithms essentially form a class of non-linear search processes occurring in the study of mathematical optimization problems and exhibit remarkable analogy with the Darwinian evolution, in that the key issue in both these processes is a fitness-dependent mode of selection of strategies or traits for evolutionary propagation of the target population. Genetic algorithms are run via the three fundamental stochastic operators of selection, crossover and mutation, acting on an initial population, and then obtain the various generations assuming payoff-proportionate selection of the agents. Evolutionary game theory too studies Darwinian evolution by assuming payoff-proportionate selection of strategies. Replicator equations describe the dynamics of evolutionary game theory. In this paper, we obtain a standard genetic algorithm generated numerical simulation for the replicator dynamics of a single-species population with a constant ecosystem as the backdrop, and find that the agents with higher fitness tend to accumulate with the iterates showing an oscillatory pattern without settling to any fitness sink.

Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are increasingly finding frequent use in myriad spheres of human enquiry as effective tools in the process of dynamic learning. Evolutionary sciences, particularly the areas of evolutionary biology and evolutionary economics, have a large body of scholarly works compiled over the last decade and a half that have analyzed and established the emergence of GA programs as robust mathematical tools for evolutionary learning.In this paper, we have obtained a simulation of the replicator dynamics of the Evolutionary Game Theory (EGT), using the standard GA for a single-species toy ecosystem model, keeping the ecosystem as a fixed and static backdrop. We present a brief overview of the standard GA to make the paper self-contained.

A standard GA (henceforth GA in this paper) - the genetic algorithm described in detail by Goldberg - is a stochastic search process for non-linear optimization problems. A GA transforms a set of mathematical objects (population of agents) that are fixed-length binary strings, each associated with a fitness measure (payoff) to a new set of strings (offspring) by means of certain stochastic operators. Usually in the standard GA, the population size is kept fixed throughout (Goldberg, 1989).


Genetic algorithms, optimization, analogy, evolution, strategies, ecosystem, simulation, replicator dynamics, stochastic, mutation, dynamic learning