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The IUP Journal of Computational Mathematics :
Application of Rothe's Method to Abstract Quasi-Linear Implicit Integrodifferential Equations in Reflexive Banach Space

This paper establishes the existence, uniqueness and continuous dependence on initial data of the strong solution of an abstract quasi-linear implicit integrodifferential equation in real reflexive Banach space X, whose dual is uniformly convex, using the Rothe's method.Murphy showed that the approximate solutions converge to a `limit solution', which becomes a unique solution to this homogeneous case of Equation 1. Kartsatos (1978) established a theorem concerning the existence of a unique strong solution to Equation 2 under the assumption that A(t,u)v is Lipschitzian in t, u and m-accretive in v. In the present paper, the conditions on A(t,u)v are motivated by Kartsatos.

Kato (1985b) has proved the existence, uniqueness and continuous dependence on the initial data of the solution of abstract quasi-linear, and showed that these results are applicable to different kinds of the quasi-linear equations such as symmetric hyperbolic systems of the first order, wave equations, Korteweg-de Vries equation, Navier-Stokes and Euler equation, magnetohydrodynamics equation, coupled Maxwell and Dirac equations, etc. Kato (1985a) has proved the existence of a strong solution to Equation 3 under the conditions on A(t,u) and f(t,u) for (t,u) Î J ´ W similar to that of Crandal and Sougandis (1986). Amann (1986) has treated various cases of Equation 3 in interpolation spaces using the theory of analytic semigroups.

in a Hilbert space H with the assumption that A : V ® V* is a coercive maximal monotone operator, where V is a reflexive Banach space with the dual V* such that V Ç H is dense in V and H, and the function f and the Volterra operator F(u)(t) satisfy certain Lipschitz-like conditions. The existence, uniqueness and continuous dependence on initial data of the solutions to the abstract non-linear implicit and explicit integrodifferential equations have been studied by Bahuguna and Raghavendra (1989 and 1994) using Rothe's method under certain appropriate conditions.


homogeneous, assumption, solution, existence, uniqueness, abstract quasi-linear, symmetric hyperbolic systems, Korteweg-de Vries equation, Navier-Stokes and Euler equation, magnetohydrodynamics equation, limit solution